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CPD 4- Mediation Skills for Managers

The final in our series of CPD Workshops for Managers for 2014 takes place on Wednesday December 3rd with a session on Mediation Skills for Managers led by Tony Bourke.

Conflict between team members is an issue that every manager dreads. If the manager ignores the conflict, it may escalate and if s/he gets involved in the conflict, it may worsen.  But the team expect the manager to do something.
The usual solution, if the conflict is difficult, is to follow the grievance process.  This may be a long, tedious and expensive process with a less than optimal outcome.
As a result, organisations now encourage people in dispute to try mediation as this has been shown to succeed in resolving 4 out of 5 conflicts. Mediation is therefore fast becoming a modern management skill.
This session will cover:

  • Understanding the nature of disputes
  • The grievance process
  • Mediation and its benefits
  • The classic mediation model
  • Mediating in bullying disputes

Date: 3rd December 2014
Time: Registration from 8.00am | Workshop 8.30 – 10.00am
Venue: IMI Conference Centre, Sandyford, Dublin 16
Registration:  Please register here
*Registration is not confirmed until payment is received, where applicable
Fee: IMI Corporate & Personal Members – Complimentary
IMI Alumni – €25* Pay now
Non-members – €125* Pay now
Please note that registration will close at 5pm on Monday December 1st.
Aimed at mid to senior level managers, our quarterly CPD Workshops and Management Digests are designed to ensure you and your team are constantly refreshing and enhancing your management and leadership knowhow. Facilitated by IMI Faculty, our CPD Workshops focus on live Best Practice Management themes. A companion quarterly digest from the IMI Knowledge Centre, highlights the latest management thinking on the theme of the day in an accessible format and ensures you are always up to date with new ideas.

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