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Doug Silsbee Workshop – Presence-Based Coaching for Authentic Leadership (2 Days)

This two day workshop will introduce the leading edge Presence-Based Coaching methodology.
Dsigned for practicing coaches, facilitators, consultants, and leaders with a strong commitment to developing others this workshop will be highly experiential, and will integrate theory, practice, and tools for immediate application.
Grounded in mindfulness, leadership theory, somatics, integral psychology, and interpersonal neurobiology, Presence-Based Coaching is recognized in the coaching community as a leading approach to deep and sustainable leadership development. Presence-Based Coaching supports leaders in creating bold, commitments that they care about deeply, and growing the physiologically-supported competencies to fulfill.
This workshop will include individual and partner practices, group conversation, coaching demonstrations and practice sessions, and presentations on theory. You will:

  • Apply a question-driven architecture to development conversations,
  • Build your capacity to access mindfulness and presence,
  • Understand the importance of presence as an essential meta-competency for leadership effectiveness, resilience, and emotional intelligence,
  • Understand the neurological basis of habitual behavior and resilience,
  • Build your competency in using artful questions, and presence-based coaching moves to open new possibilities for seeing and acting,
  • Develop your resilience, authenticity, resourcefulness, and ability to stay present no matter what is going on.

Date:  Wednesday 20th & Thursday 21st November 2013
Time:  09:00am to 17:00pm
Venue: IMI Campus, Sandyford Road, D. 16

Fees:   IMI Members & Alumni  – €425 (Payable in advance by credit card.)
Non-IMI Members – €1200 (Payable in advance by credit card.) 

Registration:  Please use the post Registration form above to register and receive payment details for this post. Registration will close at 5pm on Thursday 7th November.