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IMI Briefing:The Two Worlds of Thinking with Nancy Kline, 29th May

Taking Coaching to the next level and its implications for leadership,’

Nancy Kline, originator of the Thinking Environment and coaching guru will be visiting IMI this coming May for her only public presentation in Dublin this year.
In the context of taking Coaching to the next level and its implications for Leadership, Nancy will talk about the two worlds of thinking. One of them, the world of exchange thinking, is large and very popular. The other, the world of fully independent thinking, is tiny and rare.
Nancy will propose that coaches need to master the world of fully independent thinking and leaders need to demand coaches who do. Given that coaches have become a major influence on leaders and leaders have become a major market for coaches, Nancy’s message is prescient.
Our Knowledge Centre and Programme Unit staff will also showcase the unparalleled support and services IMI offers to our Executive Education participants.

Date: 29th May 2013
Time: 18:00 – 20:00
Venue: IMI Conference Centre, Sandyford, Dublin 16
Fees: IMI Members & Alumni – Complimentary
Non-Members €125.00 (Payable in Advance by Credit Card)
Registration: Click here to reserve your place and receive booking information Thursday, May 16th.

About Nancy Kline

Nancy Kline created and pioneered the development of the theory and process called The Thinking Environment®. This model allows people to turn their teams, organisations and relationships into Thinking Environments in which people at every level can think for themselves, with rigour, imagination and courage. The process increases the quality of thinking in, and thus of concrete results from, all human interactions, both in pairs and in groups, and decreases the amount of time it takes to achieve them.
As well as President of Time To Think, an international leadership development and coaching company Nancy is also a published author and public speaker.
Nancy and the other Time To Think Consultants and Coaches do Thinking Environment work in companies, universities, human resource organisations, government agencies and voluntary organisations. Thinking Environment work is active in the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Spain, The United States, Australia and South Africa.
Time To Think began in 1984 and grew out of Nancy’s consulting and teaching work near Washington, DC, where she had served as a Founding Director of The Thornton Friends School for twelve years and as Director of The Leadership Institute for six years. She is a Fellow of Ashridge College, UK.