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IMI CPD For Managers 2 – 5th June 2013

Following on from the first in our series of Continuing Professional Development for Managers Workshops back in April, we are now taking registrations for the next workshop on June 5th.
Tim Wray will continue the series focusing this time on the theme of Creating Connections: Communication in the 21st Century Organisation.

Date: 5th June 2013
Time: Registration from 8.00am | Workshop 8.30 – 10.00am
Venue: IMI Conference Centre, Sandyford, Dublin 16
Fee: IMI Corporate & Personal Members – Complimentary
IMI Alumni – €25 (payable in advance by credit card)
RSVP: To reserve your place please click the hyperlink below or email posts@imi.ie by COB Tuesday, April 9th.
Registration: Click here to register your interest and receive booking information

Creating Connections: Communication in the 21st Century Organisation

In a turbulent and highly uncertain world where an organisation’s agility will ultimately determine its survival how a company connects its people to the leadership of the business and to each other is critically important.
Traditionally corporate communications has been concerned with the delivery of carefully crafted messages from the top of the organisation.Communication has been largely one-way and control has been an important factor for those managing the process. In the new world of continuous, fast-paced change, connecting your people to the leaders within your business to create a shared sense of purpose, connecting them with each other and your customers in order to drive innovation and growth, are the prime goals of communication.
This workshop will challenge the established principles of corporate communication. It will suggest ways that you can re-shape communication within your own organisation to strengthen employee engagement, increase agility and create new value for customers.

About Tim Wray

Tim Wray is Principal Consultant at Clear Future Consulting, a specialist communication and change management consultancy. He is also an Associate Faculty member at IMI.
Tim has more than 20 years’ experience as a practitioner, consultant and executive educator in all aspects of strategic change and organisational development. His particular focus is on organisational communication and employee engagement. He is a former Head of Internal Communication with eircom.


Aimed at mid to senior level managers, our quarterly CPD Workshops and Management Digests are designed to ensure you and your team are constantly refreshing and enhancing your management and leadership knowhow. Facilitated by IMI Faculty, our CPD Workshops focus on live Best Practice Management themes. A companion quarterly digest from the IMI Knowledge Centre, highlights the latest management thinking on the theme of the day in an accessible format and ensures you are always up to date with new ideas.