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Thanks to decades of research, today we have a pretty clear understanding of the components of effective leadership. We know that it is not about a charismatic personality and certainly not about command and control. To drive sustainable engagement – with customers and employees – leaders must be skilled at managing their own emotions and influencing the emotions of others. Emotional Capital counts and organisations that are rich in it are more likely to thrive – even in difficult economic times.
Developing our Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the key to building our Emotional Capital.
Led by Dr. Martyn Newman, a psychologist with an international reputation in the field of leadership and emotional intelligence, this workshop is focused on just that. Designed to equip participants with the ten dynamic emotional skills that distinguish outstanding leaders from average ones, it will be intensely practical and geared towards developing your personal EI to become a more effective leader.
For executives charged with leading people and engaging customers, or who wish to focus on their own development as a leader, this workshop is an invaluable opportunity to work closely with a recognised leader in the field.
Date: 25th February 2014
Time: 13:00 – 14:00 Registration
14:00 -17.00 Masterclass
Venue: IMI Conference Centre, Sandyford Road, Dublin 16
Fee: IMI Corporate & Personal Members: Complimentary
IMI Alumni €125
Non-IMI Members €300
(Payable in advance by credit card)
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