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IMI Masterclass with Dr Steven Stein: Unlocking Organisational POWER & PERFORMANCE

Psychologist and best-selling author, Dr. Steven Stein is recognised as one of the world’s leading experts on emotional and social intelligence.
This Masterclass, led by Steven and featuring IMI’s Andrew McLaughlin, will demonstrate the enormous potential of Emotional Intelligence (EI) and explore how you can tap into this to unlock your own and your organisation’s power and performance.
In this highly engaging and interactive session, Steven will share key insights gained from his extensive research and consulting experience with clients such as the Pentagon, the FBI, the Canadian and US military, professional sports teams and large corporate organisations such as Coca Cola, American Express and Air Canada.

Date: 14th May 2013
Time: Registration from 16:30 pm | Masterclass: 17:00 – 19:30 pm | Networking: 19:30 pm
Venue: IMI Conference Centre, Sandyford, Dublin 16
Fees: IMI Members & Alumni Complimentary
Non-Members €125.00 (Payable in Advance by Credit Card)
Registration: Register your interest and receive booking information before Thurs, 2nd May

About Unlocking Organisational POWER & PERFORMANCE

“Emotional intelligence, more than any other factor, more than I.Q. or expertise, accounts for 85% to 90% of success at work. I.Q. is a threshold competence. You need it, but it doesn’t make you a star. Emotional intelligence can.” Warren Bennis

Emotional Intelligence – how we manage ourselves, others and effectively navigate the social complexities of organisational life – is now considered the single biggest predicator of successful leadership. The research shows clearly that managers and leaders with high levels of EI are better able to increase the performance of their teams and makes a strong case for EI to be seriously leveraged in the workplace.
Drawing on the latest industry research and extensive consulting experience, Steven and Andrew will demonstrate how the most successful leaders develop and maximise their Emotional Intelligence to achieve the best results for themselves and their organisations.

About Dr. Steven Stein

Dr. Steven Stein is recognised as one of the world’s leading experts on emotional and social intelligence. He is the author of Make Your Workplace Great: the 7 Keys to an Emotionally Intelligent Organization and the international bestseller The EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Success.
He is a clinical psychologist and the founder and CEO of Multi-Health Systems Inc. (MHS), a three-time Profit 100 winner (awarded to the fastest-growing Canadian companies) and leading publisher of the world’s premier Emotional Intelligence assessment instruments.
Dr. Stein, an expert on psychological assessment, and his team at MHS have tested the Emotional Intelligence of more people in the world than any other organisation. Previously, he was Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto and taught in the Psychology Department at York University (Toronto). Read More
About Andrew McLaughlin
Andrew McLaughlin is programme director of the IMI Diploma in Organisational Behaviour and the IMI Diploma in Executive Coaching. He is an experienced executive coach who works extensively at senior team level in national and multi-national companies.
He leads other courses on emotional intelligence, performance management, communication skills, negotiation and influencing skills, interviewing skills and leadership. Andrew is a Master Practitioner and certified trainer/ consultant of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP University, Santa Cruz, California).
His published research includes Work-Life Balance, Competency based Interviewing, Negotiation and Leadership, Stress Management and the Mind of the Irish Manager.