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IMI National Management Conference – 2015 -draft

Adapt | Align | Achieve

This year’s conference challenged assumptions about business, organisations and leadership.
Richard Bruton’s opening words highlighted the importance of idea generation – “After an earthquake, you wouldn’t rebuild using the old approach. The economy similarly needs a new approach.
Tim Harford, economist, journalist and author focused on asking us to make “better mistakes”.   Nilofer Merchant was all about getting social.  The conductor David Brophy got the room singing and truly showed the power of leading without words.
The lesson from Martin O’Neill and Roy Keane’s entertaining interview was that businesses always need to be in a state of preparation and must recruit well to succeed.  Shane O’Mara, Professor of Experimental Brain Research at TCD warned us that one night of sleep deprivation leads to a drop of 15 IQ points.  Claire Burge talked about email as a problem that needs to be challenged.  To finish the day, Dr. Tony Bates, CEO of Headstrong shared some simple exercises to improve our mental health and wellbeing as leaders and develop a shared sense of purpose.
The overwhelming theme that emerged through all this?  The world may be complex, but the solutions are simple.
View conference photos here.
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