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The New HR Agenda – Breakfast Briefing 09/03

Prof. Paul Sparrow will give a breakfast briefing on The New HR Agenda on March 9th at the IMI.

Paul is Director of the Centre for Performance-Led HR and Professor of Human Resource Management at the Lancaster University Management School and an Associate Faculty at IMI teaching on our Diploma in Strategic HRM.

In 2010 he was voted amongst the Top 15 Most Influential HR Thinkers by Human Resources Magazine. He has published over 100 journal articles and chapters and several books. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

The New HR Agenda

The first phase of research at the Centre for Performance-Led HR, focused on ways to enhance the experience of the work force and the productivity and performance of both employees and HR functions. As a central issue for innovation and growth in businesses, this raises questions about business model change, organizational design, employee engagement and talent management. The latest phase of research has looked at the underlying drivers that will shape performance – innovation, customer centricity and lean management – and identified another raft of challenges to be faced.

Considering the future of work, questions of fairness are becoming more complex. Many issues, from pension provision to the question of reward through to global sourcing of work to name but a few, are impacting across generational groups and across different internal employee segments. Many organizations now face the challenge of providing seamless HR support to business arrangements that might be based on partnering (in its many guises), and this raises questions about how best to ensure governance, risk management and capability development across partnered business arrangements, or in business models that involve several agencies.

The session will take us through this journey towards the New HR Agenda.

Breakfast Briefing – The New HR Agenda

Date March 9th
Time 8.00 Registration & Breakfast
8.30 – 9.30 Briefing – The New HR Agenda
Venue IMI Conference Centre

To register:
Please send the following information by email to Sharon.Byrne@imi.ie by 5pm Wednesday February 29th:

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