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Best Managed Companies Rise to the Challange

Cavanaghs of Charleville was singled out from among the Deloitte Best Managed Companies 2012 announced on March 2nd to receive a special accolade for ‘rising to the challenge’ which was the theme of this year’s programme.

The company received a place on the IMI’s Senior Executive Programme which will equip one of its senior team with the strategic skills and leadership understanding to position both themselves and their organisation for continued success.

This award reflects the fact that, this year, the judges placed a particular emphasis on the innovative strategies the companies are adopting to ensure their continued success.

IMI has been involved as academic sponsor of the Best Managed Companies Awards since the programme began four years ago and Dr Phil Nolan, Executive Chair, IMI presented the Gold Standard Awards to those 16 companies who have requalified each year since 2008.

IMI also organised the annual symposium which took place on Friday, 2nd March in the Burlington Hotel. Keynote speakers included leading authority on innovation Charles Leadbeater and Julian Birkinshaw, Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship at LBS. The afternoon’s programme also included a very engaging interview with John Teeling the founder and Chairman of Cooley Distillery.

Some of the presentations from the symposium are available below:

Best Managed Symposium 2012 – Julian Birkinshaw Presentation

Best Managed Symposium 2012 – Tom McCarthy Presentation

For more information on the 2012 Winners, requalifying companies and Gold Standard recipients as well as the Deloitte Best Managed Companies Awards click here.