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Best Managed Companies Shortlisted

The 47 companies that will compete for the Deloitte Best Managed Companies Awards 2012 were recently announced.

These companies will now be coached as part of  Phase 2 of the competition before the judging panel, chaired by Myles Lee will decide on the 20 Best Managed. Seventeen companies who have received the award each year since it began are also eligible to compete for the Gold Standard Designation, if they have maintained the Best Managed standard over the four years.

Following an IMI Symposium in March the winners will be announced at a Gala Awards Ceremony.

IMI has been the academic sponsor of the awards programme since it started in 2008 and is also involved in the final judging process which assesses shortlisted companies on strategy, capability in areas such as management resources, HR and commitment to people, as well as the company’s financial performance. Irish Life Corporate Business and The Sunday Business Post also sponsor the awards.

The shortlisted companies which are all Irish owned are drawn from Northern Ireland as well as the Republic and include:

Ace Express Freight March Direct Limited
Aepona Medicare Pharmacy Group
Altobridge Mowlam Healthcare
Begleys Simply Fish Musgrave
Cara Pharmacies Ltd O’Connell Group
Chocabloc OSG Outsource Services Group Ltd
Cavanaghs Of Charleville Populis Ireland Limited
CDE Global Quish’s Super Valu
Clontarf Castle Limited Response Engineering
Dairy Farm Training & People 1st Rigney Dolphin
David Patton & Sons (N.I.) Ltd Sam McCauley Chemists Group
Ducon Concrete Ltd SouthWestern
Espion Surecom NS Ltd
Eurojet Aviation Ltd System Dynamics
Extraspace Solutions Ltd Tekelek Europe Ltd
Fitzers Catering Ltd The City Bin Co
Galway Clinic Doughiska Ltd The Printed Image Ltd
Hibernia Evros Technology Group TIFCO Hotels
H&J Martin TTM Healthcare
H&K Version 1
J H Roche & Sons Ltd Walter Watson Limited
Kainos Software Limited World Travel Centre
Kevin Dempsey Distributors Zeus Packaging Group
K N Network Services Limited