IMI celebrates graduates’ achievements virtually
Last Friday, IMI virtually celebrated the achievements of its first graduates of the year, with a diverse range of Ireland’s most cutting-edge and dynamic companies represented.
With graduates unable to attend IMI’s Conference Centre with family and friends in person, the event – with graduates representing companies as diverse as Carzone, Bank of Ireland, Novartis, Microsoft, VHI – took place virtually.
Graduate qualifications ranged from IMI Diploma in Business Finance; Management of Governance, Risk and Compliance; Organisational Development and Transformation; Strategic Human Resource Management; Organisational Behaviour; Leadership; Management; Executive Coaching; Marketing and Digital Strategy and Strategy and Innovation. Postgraduate certificates were also awarded in Data Business, Digital Business and in Organisational Behaviour. A total of 238 graduates made up this cohort.
The virtual get-together also saw 107 graduates achieving an MBS in Business Practice, two graduates achieving an MSc in Business Practice and six graduates achieving an MSc in Management Practice.
IMI CEO Simon Boucher said: “Every IMI graduate is remarkable, because of their capacity to balance the competing challenges of engaging with their programme of study, with the demands of leading their organisation whilst navigating the road bumps that day-to-day life always puts in our way.
“The class of 2020 will however go down in history as the most resilient, the most flexible, the most resourceful group of IMI graduates in our 69 year history – when the going got tough, the tough got going.”
Dr. Tara Ryan, IMI Registrar, added: “IMI’s 2020 graduates took the elements of a our learning model High Impact Transformation to whole new heights – living the methodology of disruption, reframing, experimenting and fusing – in a radical way as their classes moved from face to face to online overnight – while their work environments equally struggled. Never were well equipped leaders needed so much as this last year – and this cohort are leading the way.”
For information on IMI programmes, click here.