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Is your company one of the Best Managed?

Applications are currently being accepted for the 2012 Deloitte Best Managed Companies Programme. The deadline for Phase I applications is 12th August 2011.

The Deloitte Best Managed designation is a symbol of Irish corporate success and recognises excellence in business management and performance. IMI has been academic sponsor of the programme since its launch in Ireland in 2008. Each year we organise a Symposium as part of the benefits to winning and requalifying companies.

Other benefits of winning include:

Exclusive use of the Deloitte Best Managed Companies designation, an important marketing tool for your business

Rich networking opportunities

National recognition and profile through the Sunday Business Post and other national media

An improved ability to attract and retain top talent

A reason to celebrate the efforts of the entire company

Recognition by other business leaders at an exclusive gala awards ceremony

To find out about how to apply click on the Deloitte Best Managed Website.

Frank Condon is Press & Information Officer at IMI.