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UCC IMI Award First Degrees – Friday, December 2nd, 2011

University College Cork (UCC) and the Irish Management Institute (IMI) today awarded the first degrees and diplomas under the alliance between the two institutions announced earlier this year.

181 graduates received their awards at the ceremony in Sandyford where they were conferred by UCC President, Dr. Michael Murphy. The awards they received range from the IMI Master of Business to diplomas in a range of business areas from Management to Finance.

IMI Chairman and UCC President with Graduates
Dr Phil Nolan (Chairman, IMI) with UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy chat to Graduates Tara Long (AIB) and Liam Hassett (Irish Dairy Board).

This year IMI has recruited a further 310 Graduate Studies participants and has seen its Master of Business degree grow by 50%. This is a threefold increase on student numbers since this degree was launched in 2008.

2011 also saw the launch of Diplomas in the spring as well as the traditional autumn intake along with record class sizes. The portfolio of courses offered was broadened to include a new Diploma in Regulatory Management this year and a new scholarship scheme launched.