Course Overview
As companies become more digital, they leave themselves exposed to newer and more dangerous threats. But what about the people who deal with those threats and safeguard organisations?
The global cyber security industry is expected to reach $2.66 billion by 2027. Like with any high growth industry, new challenges invariably arise. Skills and talent shortages, issues with employee retention, highly skilled technical individual contributors being promoted to leadership roles without the requisite skillset or management training.
Solving these challenges requires leaders with a different skill set..
Leading in Cyber Security will help you build a critical awareness of your leadership style, allow you to become an effective and influential communicator, develop your emotional intelligence and ability to cultivate engagement and wellbeing within your team.
Instil a dynamic, agile and flexible mindset into your team while navigating a world that is hyper-connected, hyper-disrupted, and where today’s business models may not be relevant tomorrow.
Programme Details