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Episode 50 | A New Vision for Sustainability with Marga Hoek

Of the 100 largest economies in the world by GDP, 69 are companies. As such, the business world has a massive influence on turning the tide in terms of our global goals on sustainability. This week, to contextualise the challenges ahead and analyse where leaders fit into this ‘big picture’ issue, we are joined by an authority in this space, Marga Hoek.

Why is sustainability not necessarily just a top-down initiative in businesses? What part does trust play in planting the seeds for a sustainable future? How can CEOs communicate and execute on ambitious sustainability-led visions?

Marga is a member of the prestigious Thinkers50 and an expert on sustainable business and capital. She recently held a Masterclass for IMI on A New Vision for Sustainability.

This conversation was recorded on November 24th, 2021.

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