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IMI celebrates first in-person graduation ceremony since 2019

Tim Scully (left) and Barry Kearns, graduates of the Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing Strategy, awarded by UCC, pictured at the IMI Graduations. Pic. Robbie Reynolds

IMI today celebrated the first in-person graduation ceremony in three years, with some of Ireland’s most dynamic and cutting-edge companies represented.

The occasion was celebrated on the IMI Campus with family and friends, with the graduates representing companies as diverse as RTÉ, Permanent TSB, VHI, and many more.

“Extraordinary times calls for extraordinary leaders, and that is what you are,” said Dr. Simon Boucher, Chief Executive of the Irish Management Institute, to the graduates. “Through unprecedented times, you have all embodied the common DNA that every IMI graduate has – ambition, flexibility and resilience. What you’ve achieved is truly inspirational.”

Irene Dehaene and Dylan Rogers, who both graduated with Professional Diplomas in Business Finance, pictured at the Irish Management Institute Graduations held in the IMI Campus, Sandyford, Dublin. Pic. Robbie Reynolds

Graduate qualifications ranged from Professional Diplomas, awarded by UCC, in Business Finance, Leadership, Digital Leadership, Digital Marketing Strategy and more.

The ceremony also saw a number of graduates achieving an MBS in Business Practice, having completed three Professional Diplomas at IMI.

Professor Stephen Byrne, Deputy President and Registrar, UCC, said: “You’ve demonstrated huge resilience and leadership in being here today. In graduating, you join a lifelong learning community that IMI and UCC are proud of.”

Dr Cyril Kirwan, one of the programme directors for the MBS in Business Practice, said: “You’ve all produced stunningly good work. The best thing you can do is be a thinking practitioner, whereby you know what you do rather than simply do what you know.”

For information on IMI programmes, click here.