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So here we are at IMI’s 100th blog post!
Our blog is a record of the conversations we have across IMI every day with people involved in improving business performance. We’ve spoken to businesspeople about what they’ve learned over their careers and about how they are developing themselves and their organisations, from experts on their message to business and we’ve taken a look at the emerging trends that will affect all of our organisations.
Now we want to use it to find out what you think.
Looking back we can see that talent remains a key concern; businesses need to find the right people and learn how to manage them in a way that identifies and nurtures those who will lead the organisation into the future. We’ve seen that it can be difficult to stay focused on the strategy we have set out to execute, that innovation is no longer a nice to have… and while technology may have made us data-rich, businesses can be overwhelmed by the level of information with new social rules. And in the midst of all of this strategy and innovation that when it comes down to it – the ability to nurture authentic two way relationships and the ability to nurture them is critical not only with customers but also with our own employees.
What challenges are (or should be) keeping your business up at night? Vote and see what others have said…