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Recommended Reading: Inclusion

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Textbooks & E-books

Inclusive leadership: the definitive guide to developing and executing an impactful diversity and inclusion strategy – locally and globally
by C. Sweeney & F. Bothwick

This book looks holistically at all aspects of business, working through the whole employee life cycle to help leaders consider how to achieve a diverse supply chain. Its authors provide a framework for organisations of any size to use to help in pinpointing where the organisation lies on their D&I journey and where they want to be. Drawing on examples of leading thinkers and best practice around the world, this text dissects the key challenges for leaders in creating a strategy to deliver a more inclusive workplace and company.

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The web of inclusion: a new architecture for building great organisations
by S. Helgesen

In this book, author Sally Helgesen presents a Web of Inclusion model that, she argues, is a more fully realised vision of the information-age organisation. She points out that many organisations, rather than adopting 21st Century best practices, are still structured like 19th Century factories where people are forced into specific niches. The author puts forth this Web of Inclusion as something ever-evolving and constantly changing to meet the demands of the business environment, emphasising that ideas should come from all employees – not just from the top down – and that what individuals do in the workplace depends on their talents, not on their titles. To round out the text, Helgesen profiles five organisations that have achieved extraordinary success through the model, vividly showcasing its many benefits across industries.

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Diversity resistance in organizations
Edited by K. M. Thomas

This text provides informed, balanced and honest appraisals of US-based workplaces in terms of diversity and diversity resistance issues. Within the chapters, there is analysis of the behaviours and practices that have existed in the workplace for a long time, and yet until recently had no name. The authors cleverly weave in links to psychological safety and organisational factors such as fear, power and organisational change and development.

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Inclusive talent management: how business can thrive in an age of diversity
by S. Frost and D. Kalman

Typically, organisations have had a clear line of demarcation between their policies on diversity and inclusion and how they manage their talent. In this book, the authors align talent management and D&I, providing a new perspective on why the distinction between them that currently exists needs to end. The text features fascinating case studies from recognisable brands like Goldman Sachs, Unilever, KPMG and Oxfam, with the authors putting forth the argument that to achieve business objects, it is imperative that organisations take an inclusive approach to talent management.

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