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Hugh Torpey

Hugh Torpey

9th Apr 2018

Hugh Torpey is the Content Manager at the IMI. 

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Perception over Reality

There are a group of highly educated engineers in BMW whose entire job is to make the sound your car door makes pleasing to the ear. That satisfying ‘schunk’ when it opens and closes is the result of countless hours of testing, prototyping, focus groups and discussion, and doesn’t make a single ounce of difference to the performance of the car.

It does, however, make a difference how a driver perceives the performance of the car, and this is a key to the performance of BMW. ‘If everyone was rational’ says Jonas Ridderstråle, author of Funky Business and IMI Masterclass speaker, ‘we would all drive Toyota’s.’

Why do car companies employ engineers purely to work on the sound the door makes? {Picture Source)

.The problem with even trying to be rational in today’s world is the absolute information overload everyone is bombarded with on a daily basis. Having moved from an ‘information desert to an information dump’ rational purchasing decisions are now almost impossible because there is simply too much, and contradictory, information informing that decision.

‘The reality is we’re not looking for value for money, we’re looking for values for money. Purchasing is an emotional decision’ continued Jonas. ‘What effect does this have on business? Well, it means that it’s not only about survival of the fittest (company), it is also about….


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Hugh Torpey is the Content Manager at the IMI. This article is based on a talk given at the IMI by Jonas Ridderstråle in both Cork and Dublin for IMI Members. For more on IMI Membership, go here

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